This is a I-Wake-Up-Looking-Like-This Post
I had difficulty falling asleep yesterday due to menstrual cramps and backache, ugh, hate to say this but aging is a bitch. It really is because suddenly your body can no longer keep up with your youthful spirit and soul. The good news is that I'm not pregnant after being confined under the same roof with Chean for 2 months; it sure feels like decades, I mean having a baby living inside me, not living with Chean, aheam. Lol. Kidding, I mean the latter, pardon my honesty. It has nothing to do with Chean, a sweet and caring husband/daddy that's constantly tip-toeing around the house trying not to annoy his wife, it's just more like I need my O.W.N space. A breather. A quiet zone.
There, Summer is calling. She needs an extra pair of hands to move her ice-cream cart (a superb toy my friend got her two Christmas ago, thank you Ying & Zhe) for the 86241 times of the day.
"Summer, the ice-cream cart looks perfect in that spot. Let's keep it that way."
There, Chloe is asking for permission to view this video that randomly pops up after her teacher's video on YouTube.
"No, baby. Stay focused. Complete your assignment before lunch, remember?"
So do I, I'm going to focus on finishing this blog post in less than 15 minutes. Why? That's all the time that I've got for myself before attending to everyone's needs. I spend my free time on this, you're welcome :)
Okayyyyy... Lofi-music on...
I wake up with chapped lips today and breakouts on my chin, duh, thanks to PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms) so this whole thing really catches me off-guard... Never have I ever thought that I'd receive a Mother's Day treatment on a random Thursday, as I posted on my Instagram story this a.m.
#1 I asked him why? Hahaha... and he said, "Just want you to sleep in a little bit more,"
It makes sense to have me sleep in since he was making breakfast for the girls this morning, too. And that's the kind of breakfast I make for the family in a daily, if not weekly basis anyway.
What would a blogger do when she witnesses this once-in-a-blue-moon scene, especially she just claimed her "comeback" yesterday? Seize the opportunity of course, camera on, snap, snap, boom!
#2 Reminiscing my carefree life in pre-baby era, 立刻當15分鐘的偽少女 (can't think of a way to translate this phrase accurately)
#3 Real PJs, real breakfast, real tongue.
I was attempting to record a video of me devouring the breakfast like those cutesy 網紅 but Chean popped in the room to check on me...
#4 Haha! I look like Pumbaa from The Lion King in this video but my lovely husband still thinks I am cute.
True love is blind, obviously. The fact that he has been with me for almost 19 years and still willing to make the extra effort to brighten up my days, that should grant him a special plaque and instantaneously qualify him for a handicap parking spot.
#5 A proof that I actually scarify my clean pinky for this shot. The shutterspeed isn't fast enough to catch the runny egg yolk on my avocado toast.
Thank you Chean, I enjoy my breakfast/brunch in bed. And I'm feeling utterly grateful and blessed to have you by my side today. Well, at the end of the day, we only have each other, it's so important to remind ourselves and our significant half to pamper each other with love and affection.
Dear husband Chean,
You've passed the hubby's duty test today, please claim the worth of your existence again tomorrow, hahaha.
Keep it up!
Bev the wife that adores random surprises
There, Summer is calling. She needs an extra pair of hands to move her ice-cream cart (a superb toy my friend got her two Christmas ago, thank you Ying & Zhe) for the 86241 times of the day.
"Summer, the ice-cream cart looks perfect in that spot. Let's keep it that way."
There, Chloe is asking for permission to view this video that randomly pops up after her teacher's video on YouTube.
"No, baby. Stay focused. Complete your assignment before lunch, remember?"
So do I, I'm going to focus on finishing this blog post in less than 15 minutes. Why? That's all the time that I've got for myself before attending to everyone's needs. I spend my free time on this, you're welcome :)
Okayyyyy... Lofi-music on...
I wake up with chapped lips today and breakouts on my chin, duh, thanks to PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms) so this whole thing really catches me off-guard... Never have I ever thought that I'd receive a Mother's Day treatment on a random Thursday, as I posted on my Instagram story this a.m.
#1 I asked him why? Hahaha... and he said, "Just want you to sleep in a little bit more,"
It makes sense to have me sleep in since he was making breakfast for the girls this morning, too. And that's the kind of breakfast I make for the family in a daily, if not weekly basis anyway.
What would a blogger do when she witnesses this once-in-a-blue-moon scene, especially she just claimed her "comeback" yesterday? Seize the opportunity of course, camera on, snap, snap, boom!
#2 Reminiscing my carefree life in pre-baby era, 立刻當15分鐘的偽少女 (can't think of a way to translate this phrase accurately)
#3 Real PJs, real breakfast, real tongue.
I was attempting to record a video of me devouring the breakfast like those cutesy 網紅 but Chean popped in the room to check on me...
#4 Haha! I look like Pumbaa from The Lion King in this video but my lovely husband still thinks I am cute.
True love is blind, obviously. The fact that he has been with me for almost 19 years and still willing to make the extra effort to brighten up my days, that should grant him a special plaque and instantaneously qualify him for a handicap parking spot.
#5 A proof that I actually scarify my clean pinky for this shot. The shutterspeed isn't fast enough to catch the runny egg yolk on my avocado toast.
Thank you Chean, I enjoy my breakfast/brunch in bed. And I'm feeling utterly grateful and blessed to have you by my side today. Well, at the end of the day, we only have each other, it's so important to remind ourselves and our significant half to pamper each other with love and affection.
Dear husband Chean,
You've passed the hubby's duty test today, please claim the worth of your existence again tomorrow, hahaha.
Keep it up!
Bev the wife that adores random surprises