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Every time when people ask me "How do you find Portland?" I'll usually provide two typical responses, well it depends how well I know that person and how close we are of course. The first one would be "It's great, I like it," then follow by a bitter smile. Or it would be something more extreme like "It's sooooo B.O.R.I.N.G here! Bad weather, super rainy and it has no H&M here!!!"
I'm not going to lie. I said that line more than a zillion times especially when Chean and I quarrel.
Portland is B.O.R.I.N.G because I always thought this small city has not much to offer except those so-so Chinese restaurants that I loathed a lot, and the depressive rainy seasons during the fall & winter. Yup, I complained a lot because there is not much to do here.
Nothing much for weekends either. I barely show any urges to explore Portland until last weekend when Chean & I & Miyaki were having so much fun time in the town.
(Here's the links for my Wonderful Weekend Eps 1 & Eps 2, in case you wanna check out how fun that was.)
Where were we? Oh... So I came out with an idea which I then call it "Explore The Neighborhood" mission. The title pretty much explains itself but if you like something more easy to digest, it could go as simple as: Chean and Bev are going to explore Portland City inside out!

What's the mess??!! It's garage sales! Spotted it while we were on our way to grocery stores.
Garage sales might be something new for many M'sians but it's pretty common here in U.S. as well as other Western countries.
So, basically everyone can schedule any garage sales back at their yard or in front of their house by selling unwanted or used items. I know, it's not our culture and who wants to buy secondhand stuffs, seriously?
But I'm here to prove you wrong.

See what I got! A four dollars rattan case. Too perfect for picnic in the summer :D

Still wanted to buy more but the rattan case is the only that caught my eyes.

Maybe the White Rabbit needs a bigger clock :p
After getting that cute rattan case, we were so thrilled and spontaneously decided to check out other vintage stores nearby. Yup, we left the grocery list aside.
He drove me to this area that is full of thrifts & vintage stores (sorry, I've really bad memory when it comes to directions and road names). I had so much fun running in and out those stores, and strolling the street like a tourist!
Same thing to Chean...

That's him, trying on the scarf.

A very very lame attempt I would comment. S.I.G.H.

I'm so regret that I didn't get that scarf! Love the print so much, I'll go back and get that. *keeping my fingers crossed*

Chic right? It's just 14 dollars, and it's still available at SMUT.

I feel obligated to upload this photo because Chean is a famous artist/designer (far more famous than you could imagine); I can't ruin that by just showing the insipid side of him.
But that tudung attempt is definitely a no-no, Chean.

Found another cute chain bag at another thrift store! I didn't buy it either, I'm saving for something real real expensive. Secret for now.

Called me Mrs. Pringles.

Some locally made goodies.

Posing in front of a gift store...

Chess game with the smart rabbit, anyone?

Cute little boxes and deco items...

Are those squirrels or what?

Ahhh... Spotted something cute!!!

It's a tiny rabbit!

Chean likes these skeleton and creepy thingies... He always has the unusual tastes.

The mini ranch...

Yeeee Haaaaaaa~~Buenos Dias~~
So, to be fair, I told Chean that I'm going to blog about my lame attempt of that day too...

Trying hard to look mysteriously sexy with that butterfly masque...

This is the best I can give, so suck it up T______T

Finally, the last picture of this blog post. Phewwww...
I know, this is a long one. But I still cannot summarize all the fun that I had in this tiny space.
Portland does not seem boring to me anymore and the "Explore The Neighborhood" mission must go on until the day we say goodbye to this beautiful city.
I feel local now and I love being local. And seriously, I started loving and enjoying my life in Portland.
p/s: We did not forget to do our grocery shopping though, thanks for asking :p
Flying kisses,
I'm not going to lie. I said that line more than a zillion times especially when Chean and I quarrel.
Portland is B.O.R.I.N.G because I always thought this small city has not much to offer except those so-so Chinese restaurants that I loathed a lot, and the depressive rainy seasons during the fall & winter. Yup, I complained a lot because there is not much to do here.
Nothing much for weekends either. I barely show any urges to explore Portland until last weekend when Chean & I & Miyaki were having so much fun time in the town.
(Here's the links for my Wonderful Weekend Eps 1 & Eps 2, in case you wanna check out how fun that was.)
Where were we? Oh... So I came out with an idea which I then call it "Explore The Neighborhood" mission. The title pretty much explains itself but if you like something more easy to digest, it could go as simple as: Chean and Bev are going to explore Portland City inside out!

What's the mess??!! It's garage sales! Spotted it while we were on our way to grocery stores.
Garage sales might be something new for many M'sians but it's pretty common here in U.S. as well as other Western countries.
So, basically everyone can schedule any garage sales back at their yard or in front of their house by selling unwanted or used items. I know, it's not our culture and who wants to buy secondhand stuffs, seriously?
But I'm here to prove you wrong.

See what I got! A four dollars rattan case. Too perfect for picnic in the summer :D

Still wanted to buy more but the rattan case is the only that caught my eyes.

Maybe the White Rabbit needs a bigger clock :p
After getting that cute rattan case, we were so thrilled and spontaneously decided to check out other vintage stores nearby. Yup, we left the grocery list aside.
He drove me to this area that is full of thrifts & vintage stores (sorry, I've really bad memory when it comes to directions and road names). I had so much fun running in and out those stores, and strolling the street like a tourist!
Same thing to Chean...

That's him, trying on the scarf.

A very very lame attempt I would comment. S.I.G.H.

I'm so regret that I didn't get that scarf! Love the print so much, I'll go back and get that. *keeping my fingers crossed*

Chic right? It's just 14 dollars, and it's still available at SMUT.

I feel obligated to upload this photo because Chean is a famous artist/designer (far more famous than you could imagine); I can't ruin that by just showing the insipid side of him.
But that tudung attempt is definitely a no-no, Chean.

Found another cute chain bag at another thrift store! I didn't buy it either, I'm saving for something real real expensive. Secret for now.

Called me Mrs. Pringles.

Some locally made goodies.

Posing in front of a gift store...

Chess game with the smart rabbit, anyone?

Cute little boxes and deco items...

Are those squirrels or what?

Ahhh... Spotted something cute!!!

It's a tiny rabbit!

Chean likes these skeleton and creepy thingies... He always has the unusual tastes.

The mini ranch...

Yeeee Haaaaaaa~~Buenos Dias~~
So, to be fair, I told Chean that I'm going to blog about my lame attempt of that day too...

Trying hard to look mysteriously sexy with that butterfly masque...

This is the best I can give, so suck it up T______T

Finally, the last picture of this blog post. Phewwww...
I know, this is a long one. But I still cannot summarize all the fun that I had in this tiny space.
Portland does not seem boring to me anymore and the "Explore The Neighborhood" mission must go on until the day we say goodbye to this beautiful city.
I feel local now and I love being local. And seriously, I started loving and enjoying my life in Portland.
p/s: We did not forget to do our grocery shopping though, thanks for asking :p
Flying kisses,