Oh My Baby Bump

Remember the maternity photoshoot I did couple months ago which Chean prohibits from publishing on BS? I just asked him again for the 873867437843 times if I can blog about it, and he said N.O.P.E as usual! A firm reply; he doesn't want anybody to see my belly. Those were pregnancy shots my lord but he just doesn't seem to understand that. Then I spent 20 mins explaining the importance of this post and how it will save hundreds mums-to-be & mums who're suffering from stretch marks, of course he didn't buy the idea and eventually, I manja-ed and he finally gave in & said: "ok la, go blog la,"

See, I fight for you all. LOL... No la, I really want these photos to be part of BS, they're simply too precious to be excluded from my online diary ;)










These pics (zero touch up, only color adjustment, you can see the veins & pores) were taken all by myself (yay, tripod is my best friend) when I was 33-34 weeks preggie and aww... Bao Bao was in me that time! Miss those special moments together. The socks that were once too big for her can no longer fit her growing feet. Ahhh... I need to end this post asap & rush to cuddle her in my arms.

Okok, now that you've seen my baby bump & I'd say I did have healthy & supple skin even though it got pulled every week by Bao Bao's rapid growth, proud & loud.

And here's the ultimate secret of my stretch mark-free pregnancy (^__^)V


#10 It's the result of hard work. I apply the lotion, the oil all over my body, twice a day, from chest to toes to eradicate every single chance of stretch marks appearance. Prevention is better than cure, always.

Hope this post will help every mums-to-be to escape the blight of stretch marks throughout the already stressful pregnancy, but if you already have stretch marks, don't be upset, that's what makes you a real woman. Try Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil, I'm still using it everyday for toning & shaping purposes & it improves my postpartum skin texture wonderfully.

Good luck mums!!!

p/s: I tried Clarins Stretch Mark Control too but I'm not sold; the cream shed into balls if you apply multiple layers on your skin.

Warmest regards,
Mama Bev




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