Hammie is beyond ❤❤
Hello everyone!
I really dunno how to thank you all, my super awesome friends, loyal readers as well as all the genuine bloggers across the globe! You never know how much those comments mean to me, and it's super warm & touching to read through all the supportive and motivational comments. Y'all R.O.C.K ❤❤
Don't worry, I'm doing beyond fine (despite the runny nose and cough :p). And yup, I'm gonna take your advice by adding watermark on my piccies in order to protect my intellectual property and to protect my friends and my pets' privacy, lol.
Speaking of my pets, Hammie surely deserves the full attention of this posting; he's simply too kawaii to be true though he still doesn't like to be cuddled :'(
Oh ya, remember the hamster's bath salt that you suggested? On FB & on Tweeter; I got them for Hammie just few days ago ;)
He seems to like it a lot ❤❤
The salt bath makes him less smelly, works out great! Now I have a cleaner Hammie, thanks to all the Hamster experts! Huge hugs and kisses to you guys~~
More piccies to share...
Nomming sunflower seed ^^
Munching his food.
And here's come the ultimate goodness for this post! Hope this video will brighten up your weekend cause it brighten mine ;)
E.N.J.O.Y ❤❤
Hugs and kisses as always,
I really dunno how to thank you all, my super awesome friends, loyal readers as well as all the genuine bloggers across the globe! You never know how much those comments mean to me, and it's super warm & touching to read through all the supportive and motivational comments. Y'all R.O.C.K ❤❤
Don't worry, I'm doing beyond fine (despite the runny nose and cough :p). And yup, I'm gonna take your advice by adding watermark on my piccies in order to protect my intellectual property and to protect my friends and my pets' privacy, lol.
Speaking of my pets, Hammie surely deserves the full attention of this posting; he's simply too kawaii to be true though he still doesn't like to be cuddled :'(
Oh ya, remember the hamster's bath salt that you suggested? On FB & on Tweeter; I got them for Hammie just few days ago ;)
He seems to like it a lot ❤❤
The salt bath makes him less smelly, works out great! Now I have a cleaner Hammie, thanks to all the Hamster experts! Huge hugs and kisses to you guys~~
More piccies to share...
Nomming sunflower seed ^^
Munching his food.
And here's come the ultimate goodness for this post! Hope this video will brighten up your weekend cause it brighten mine ;)
E.N.J.O.Y ❤❤
Hugs and kisses as always,