Pre-Hawaii Syndrome II

Not intended to prove that I'm able to speak Mandarin but to prove that I'm no longer fluent in speaking Mandarin T______T

I constantly checked the online Chinese dictionary for pronunciation accuracy and I found myself running out of adjective, vocab and words. Shame on me.

All the countless NG shots get my nerve until one point I stupidly shout at the camera and told Chean I'm gonna give up cause I can never do it right.


I don't want to do this anymore, it's just wasting my time!

(Extremely chill & cool) It's ok, all you need is practice.

This is the 5th time, yet I can never say the sentence right, not even once.

Be patient, don't give up easily. *hug*

(Motivated & touched) Okok, I'm gonna try again. I just have to.

You know what, basically Chean witnessed all my NGs, bloomers and cuckoo shots, he was just sitting at the dinning table right next to me. Then, I swear, I saw him giggling at my back when I was recording the whole thing!!! T______T

It's ok if I can no longer speaking in Mandarin but I can't stand Chean looking at me like a pathetic cuckoo lady trying too hard to increase her blog readership, it's just not right because all the girly, cute, sweet and graceful images that I've created (though he might not get it) went down to drain.

Just because of this video!!!

You better like it, or at least say something sweet like good job or A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

Never forget I now have the Pre-Hawaii Syndrome, I can't handle any bad comments, just not now. Bear with me friends, at least BS is getting more astonishing ❤❤

Beverly's Voice #6 - Mission Possible


Pre-Hawaii Syndrome