Keeping Up With My Diet

Hello people~~

WOW... Massive response about the ER moment huh. Just chilled, ok? I'm decent.

Stop guessing about my illness and stop questioning about my diet plan. I know, it's too easy to associate the diet plan as the cause of the whole ER thingie.

I've decided to keep the privacy this time, yet I want to declare these two scenarios are not related at all. Sorry, bad guess.

I'm doing very very fine with the diet plan.

Seeing is believing ^^

Ohh, Chean got a new Canon G11 :) How cool~~

Glimpse on my unfinished pink corner. Sigh, is there any way of getting around this bottleneck?

"I think your corner is nice enough. Sometimes less is more." Chean replied

As soon as he said that, I tossed my baby Tofu to him :p

He said that simply because he has been dissenting to paint me a pink wall. I'm trying to do the best I can :'(

Anyway, forget about Chean for this moment. Back to our business.

Notice the blue box?

Want me to open it?

I called it Mani Box ^^

If your are constantly on the go, say traveling or moving from one place to another like me, I would suggest you to get a tool box like this.

You can easily find it at any hardware department. I got mine at Jusco 4 years ago; I only paid like RM 16 that time which is a super duper great deal.

Since I don't keep my nail polishes for more than 6 months, it's spacious and large enough for me.

The little compartments make my life easier too. At least I don't have to dive in the drawers all the time while working for my mani & pedi :p

Get organize, grab it and go.

With that, you can constantly flabbergast everyone with your adorable nails :)

Isn't it utterly awesome to have the daring nail art without paying the salon price?

Have you noticed anything different about my eyes? I was wearing a super gorgeous brown color lens!

Thank you Karin for buying and shipping the lens all the way from Taiwan. You make me deadly in love with them @.@

Bigger and brighter right? Of course, natural too ^^

Really can't wait for a skinnier me. That will be more fab :p

See, I'm decent. You probably can tell after seeing me toying with all my babies.

Ohh, we almost missed you out, Miyaki...

Cuddling on my laps, Si Manja (I'll never forget B.M.)


And posing...

Don't worry, k? I always take very good care about myself, ALWAYS :)

** Coming Up Nexy **
Feel vexed about Christmas presents? I have some ideas for you!!!

The X'mas Factor


ER Moment