My Homecoming Diary - Boon Kian's Wedding
It was a beautiful coincidence. My best mate, Boon Kian's wedding fell on 30th of Feb when I was still in M'sia.
As soon as I've been well informed about her big bay, I "Woooo Hoooo" for 4 reasons: 1)I never had a chance to attend my close friends' wedding (Among my friends, Boon Kian was the 3rd who got marry); 2)It made my flight well worth it; 3) A great reunion for friends that I never seen in ages; 4) An eventful moment to make our bonds grow stronger.

At the entrance of "Tong Yat" Restaurant. Look at the bride!!!

Look again! GOSH... She looked stunning and sweet~~
Well, we all know the world is small. Ok, now look harder, see whether there are friends that you know in person.

All the beauties~~

More beauties for you!

And, more more more beauties for you! (Nic, could you excuse us for a seconds?)

Guys and their girlfriends.

Spot anyone familiar yet?

Group picture! Again, this is my PBSM gang!
After the simple yet grand wedding dinner, we all went out for a drink at Era Walk, Seremban.

We intentionally turned ourselves into the three main character of the Hong Kong drama series, Gems of Life. Wakakaka... So what?

Wen Hui and his Margarita~~ This tasted good!
All the alcohol beverages forced us to call it a day. So, we got home, rested and prepared ourselves in "tip top" condition to continually rock on the next day!

Sorry, bad hair day! I just can't get up this early :(

Ji Miu's pictures are all revealed here!!!

Both of them represent CIMB bank and OSK investment bank! hahaha..

Again, the Gems of Life characters in white...

I'm so in love with my new high heels...

Guys can be ji mui's too~~
I know, this post is a little too dry. I should have show you interesting one other than group and friends pictures. Unfortunately, those pictures are not with me yet :'(
So, dry is better than nothing right?
I will not get marry so soon, not until I get a Porche! Hahaha... And Anonymous, you are right, February has no 30th at all! The wedding was held on 28th. Only Lengleng, Sushi and you have noticed this outrageous date! Thanks for reading, I mean TRUE reading! Thank you~~
As soon as I've been well informed about her big bay, I "Woooo Hoooo" for 4 reasons: 1)I never had a chance to attend my close friends' wedding (Among my friends, Boon Kian was the 3rd who got marry); 2)It made my flight well worth it; 3) A great reunion for friends that I never seen in ages; 4) An eventful moment to make our bonds grow stronger.

At the entrance of "Tong Yat" Restaurant. Look at the bride!!!

Look again! GOSH... She looked stunning and sweet~~
Well, we all know the world is small. Ok, now look harder, see whether there are friends that you know in person.

All the beauties~~

More beauties for you!

And, more more more beauties for you! (Nic, could you excuse us for a seconds?)

Guys and their girlfriends.

Spot anyone familiar yet?

Group picture! Again, this is my PBSM gang!
After the simple yet grand wedding dinner, we all went out for a drink at Era Walk, Seremban.

We intentionally turned ourselves into the three main character of the Hong Kong drama series, Gems of Life. Wakakaka... So what?

Wen Hui and his Margarita~~ This tasted good!
All the alcohol beverages forced us to call it a day. So, we got home, rested and prepared ourselves in "tip top" condition to continually rock on the next day!

Sorry, bad hair day! I just can't get up this early :(

Ji Miu's pictures are all revealed here!!!

Both of them represent CIMB bank and OSK investment bank! hahaha..

Again, the Gems of Life characters in white...

I'm so in love with my new high heels...

Guys can be ji mui's too~~
I know, this post is a little too dry. I should have show you interesting one other than group and friends pictures. Unfortunately, those pictures are not with me yet :'(
So, dry is better than nothing right?
I will not get marry so soon, not until I get a Porche! Hahaha... And Anonymous, you are right, February has no 30th at all! The wedding was held on 28th. Only Lengleng, Sushi and you have noticed this outrageous date! Thanks for reading, I mean TRUE reading! Thank you~~