Glimpse on Austin I

Hey everyone, I'm back!
Just reached home at 11.30pm. Thanks for all the messages concerning about my Texas trip.

Apparently, it's the huge design, film and music annual festival named South by South West brought my hubby and I to Austin, Texas. He went there for work, I went there for pleasure. Let's see what's I have here.

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Ok, now you know where Texas situated at. It is close to Mexico. Roughly 4 and half hours flight from Portland.

Well, we departed from Portland at 5am, transited at Phoenix, and reached Austin about 2pm. Portland, Phoenix and Austin are different time zone though. Not to confuse you, I better substitute the time zone explanation with breathtaking pictures.

The sky was painted in purple, followed by blue and pink.

That's the cascade, coated with snow.

And this is Phoenix from above.

How amazing...Agree or not, God is the greatest painter. You'll always find something eye-catching when you take the window seat. However, I prefer aisle seat personally because I go lavatory very often. After landing at Austin, we checked in right ahead. Ready to check my room?

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What do you say? Hmm...This suite costs US$ 250 per night. I think with that amount, we can actually get a better hotel than this in Austin. Plus, it's 9 blocks away from downtown, what a distance! (downtown means main city in US, don't confuse with the "down" word) Anyway, cannot be too fussy since we are not the one paying.

I know you expect to hear more from me. Hmm...To be frankly, I hardly open my eyes now. Time to rest, buddies. You should know how tiring it is after a half day flight. I need to recharge my battery for future post about this exhilarating trip. Delicious Tex-Mex meals, historical buildings, irresistible shopping and a lot more.


stay... tuned...


Glimpse on Austin II


One more