Pre Toeflism (1-17 Jan 08)

In order to further my study in States, I have to suffer with 2 exams, which are Toefl and GMAT. You don’t need to know more about these tests because I strongly believe anyone of you can pass it with flying color results. I can too, but you know my study attitude screw me up. Lazy bugs crawl on me all the time (except shopping, I can shop for whole day).

But, I really put in efforts this time, just for the test fee’s sake. This bloody Toefl costs me USD 250++ for the test fee(USD 150) and all the study materials.

I don’t want to pay extra USD 150 to retake it!

Pushing upon my limit for the last preparation week.

Test practicing 3 days before Toefl (starbucks couldn’t breeze my day either).

Kind of miss my UPM lecturers.
Thanks to their laziness, I graduated without hassles and pressures.
Thanks to their ignorance, I graduated with less than 80% attendance.

Why do I have to make my life harder to pursue study in States? The education system here does not embrace my “cut & paste” assignment skill.

Stupid me…

Toeflism (18 Jan 08)


Eyes on me